Monday, August 17, 2009

URT win papaya on day 2

Today we started as we mean to go on with a regimental start at 0630, team breakfast and matching safari gear. We picked up our hosts at the lab before heading to the south of the island. I was riding in the cheap seats in the boot. The farmers were very welcoming and in stitches at Caz's temperature attempts, although they consoled her with gifts of papaya - friends for life. The phones came in very useful for recording the core physical examination and even stood up to rain (which we defitely didn't sign up for). The drive home was even more spicy than usual as we over took dala dalas into oncoming traffic while Andrew had an anaphylactic rection to the suncream on his face and one working eye. Never the less we made it home without incident. A super efficient sorting session in the lab crushing ticks and spinning PCVs meant we were home by 1600. The cars were sorted for the morning and we grabbed a few minutes R&R in the fading sun. Grabbing an early night ready for another busy day in paradise. OUT.
Caz & Andy

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...Andrew's wife does not like the sound of "one working eye" and "anaphylactic reaction".
